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Submitted ⁨1⁩ ⁨year⁩ ago by [email protected] to [email protected]

I'm wondering if Lemmy sends webmentions for posted links. If not, I'd like to suggest adding support.

Webmentions are a W3C standard for sending interactions between websites. The standard is part of the IndieWeb stack of technologies. The indieweb wiki page for webmentions (linked above) includes lists of implementing websites and software.

Implementing webmentions would allow non-lemmy users to receive a webmention if a post on their site is posted to lemmy. A lot of indiewebbers display interactions directly on their post, so sending webmentions could increase the reach of lemmy (from the posts author and anybody who views the original post).

Note: I'm just suggesting sending webmentions, not necessarily receiving them. I think it would be cool for Lemmy to support receiving webmentions but that would require much more investment into the IndieWeb, while sending webmentions just takes a GET request to find the correct endpoint and a POST to that endpoint to send the webmention
